Validating the prototype with professionals
Feedback and Takeaways

The prototype was generally really well received by all the people invited to test and recommended going further and deeper with the project.

The first points of feedback were on design issues relating to guiding the user through the exercises, and the fact there are many of them. People may need more guidance, such as an online tool that is a more comprehensive step-by-step guide for each exercise and when to use them. Positive comments were on the variety of cards and their simple clear design.

Jon Barnes and Jim Ralley from Flux.am have mentioned working on building journeys through the cards and further developing supporting material.

The tips for how it could be applied to home and school were well received, and it is possible to extend to sports teams, summer camps, and virtually any activity involving medium-large groups striving towards a common goal.
"Rather than having an authoritarian figure telling kids what to do and how the world is, we'll see more and more groups where equal peers are being guided by facilitators and seniors... More classes where kids can R&D, explore and experiment, and less time spent trying to learn facts"
- Kadosa Orosz, Creative Developer

At a time when most industries are going through massive transformations and creative agencies restructuring, emotional intelligence is pivotal to building a sustainable new model.

The cards could offer a viable and thorough roadmap to rebuilding a company's culture built on pillars of empathy and self-management, essential for a modern organisation to evolve naturally, eliminating resource and energy consuming competition, or 'survival of the fittest' models. Removing the danger of leading to the emergency of self-proclaimed 'irreplaceable employees', preventing false hierarchies, inefficiency or overloading with decision makers.

It may be obvious the creative industries could benefit from this, but it would be interesting to see how applicable this whole idea is to industries with more rigid hierarchies, such as catering, education and politics.
"The workshop builds the transformation on inclusion, diversity, openness, transparency and sharing of knowledge, all essential ingredients to actually build trust, communication, and ultimately efficiency inside any organisation."
- Mihai Coliban, Creative Director
Sarah Eisenmann, digital business consultant, suggested not to get too stuck on existing structures in organisations but more on what's behind, so looking into ownership in general instant of the CEO, and human relations when looking at HR:



- Ways to distribute ownership (self-organising / teal / responsive organisations)
- platform co-op movement.

2. Management as we know it:
- Understanding that we need to shift from Management towards Leadership + distributed Decision Power.
- Even more important for humanising an organisation are roles like a mentor/steward f.e. (fits into the self-leadership)


- A shift from HR as Human Resources to HR as Human Relations
- There has to be a way to organise value accounting collectively
- Onboarding/recruiting process should be distributed as well.


On the whole feedback was very positive. It was hard for people to find time to test and feedback, ideally I would like to have run a workshop, but finding the time and coordinating would be extremely difficult, however something I would like to work towards. The constructive feedback gave me the inspiration to continue with the project, with suggestions of further talks and developing the idea into a tool to guide facilitators and peers through the exercises.
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